Mere Christianity Conference
The Mere Christianity Conference – November 1, 2, 3, 2019
A gathering of great people for great teaching, great conversations, fun and friendship building.
The core theme of this conference will focus on equipping saints to clearly define the Gospel and protect it from counterfeits by knowing what the real Gospel is and isn't.
Camping out and camping in at the church will be available subject on an individual approval basis from the leadership team. Kitchen facilities and showers are available plus camper hook ups and rv waste dump. This facility was built with a desire that it would be used to the Glory of God. Let's use it.
Bring a dish to pass for Saturday noon meal, snacks to share for multiple coffee times, smores, dogs and brats for bonfire, breakfast food for Sunday am breakfast cook out.
Friday night: 7pm: Welcome, Worship
Devotional – “Remembering Not Re-inventing”
Bring a snack and your favorite board game. 4 square will be available also.
Saturday: 9am, Worship and Session 1
Saturday: Noon: Dish to pass
Saturday 6pm: Bonfire weenie roast and smores fest.
Saturday 7:30pm: Potential Pilgrims Progress film (cartoon)
Parasites, hitchhikers, big words, and other must-knows: You wouldn't throw your picnic blanket over a nice bed of poison ivy but you might listen to or even use terminology that inadvertently associates you with something that has added to or subtracted from authentic Christianity. Molinism, Pelagianism, Open Theism, complementarianism, Gnosticism, antinomianism, - some words are worth a thousand words. There's nothing new under the sun. Come and learn what to call it and how to recognize it.
Bible Contextualization 201: You're right and everyone else is wrong. Why? Because they all took it out of context! Hmmm. As a continuation of our last workshop, our speaker will lead us through multiple scriptures to demonstrate proper application of the rules of context and other hermeneutics.
Theology in the classics: Remember when Mom and Dad used to ask you “What was the sermon about today kids?” Here's a twist: “ Hey Mom and Dad what sermons did we sing today?” Just about everyone is rewriting, reviving or borrowing from the classics handed down to us but is anyone deeply savouring the rich meaning of the words and ideas recorded in songs and other written words from the patriarchs of our time.
Men's breakout session: Decision-making beyond liver shivers, fleeces, writing in clouds, handwriting on the wall, etc. Men of God must lead – even if only leading themselves! Leaders must make decisions. Decisions are made in the context of limited time, money, mental and physical energy, and amid unlimited distractions. Be motivated to become a Git-r-done kind of man.
Women's breakout session: What's a girl to do? Understanding the forgotten high callings of Godly womanhood. The late not-so-great Plato recommended in his “Ideal Society”, that children be raised by the State so that women could quickly return to the work force and get back to “contributing to society.”
Panel Discussion: Presenters will briefly introduce 3 different topics and respond to questions and comments from the audience. Topics: 1. Education and Careers 2. Is the Local church necessary? 3. Dating, Courtship, or what?